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التغيير التنظيمي لتكبير الثدي :

By Breasts

يبدأ تنظيم جراحة تكبير الثدي بالتشاور. نظرًا لأن جراحة تكبير الثدي تحتاج إلى أسبوع أو نحوها للتعافي
, فإن تنظيم الجراحة لأفضل وقت مهم جدًا . تحدث عن عملك وأسلوب حياتك العام مع الطبيب حتى يمكن
تحديد أفضل وقت للعملية .
أنواع تكبير الثدي : سيليكون مقابل محلول ملحي .

في أيدي الجراح العادل ، يمكنه إما إخفاء الزراعة وجعلها طبيعية بعض الشيء . القرار بين نوعي الزرع
قرار شخصي . إن زراعة Memory Gel معتمدة من FDA . هذه الزراعات هي براءات اختراع .
هذا الجل له شكله اوحد في الثدي ولديه شعور طبيعي يشبه إلى حد كبير أنسجة الثدي الطبيعية . من
المؤكد أن زراعات Memory Gel ملأت الحجم ، ولكن يمكن للطبيب مساعدة كل مريض على
اختيار الحجم المناسب لهم . كحل المحلول ملحي ، زراعات Memory Gel: لا معيار ولا مسؤول
عن التأمين على الحياة . تمت الموافقة على محلول التسريب الملحي من قبل FDA . هذا النوع من
الزرع هو نوع من الملوحة من المحتمل أن يشبه المحلول الملحي الموجود بشكل طبيعي في الجسم .
يعتبر محلول التسريب المستخدم في الجراحة التجميلية أقوى من زراعات الجل . المحتوى الملحي قابل
للتعديل ويسمح للطبيب بملئها بكميات مناسبة أثناء الجراحة . يتضمن المحتوى الملحي أيضًا مسؤوليات:
العمل أو الحياة المنتظمة أمر مهم .

الحصول على تخفيضات لتضخم الثدي :

هناك عدة أنواع مختلفة من نقاط الوصول للرضاعة الطبيعية . تعتمد الجراحة على رغبات المريض
ونصيحة الطبيب . وتشمل هذه:

• تقاطع محيطية: عنق الرحم
• الجراحة: القطع تحت الصدر
• قطع عبر الفكين: قطع تحت الإبط

حالة سرطان الثدي :
حالة سرطان الثدي هي قرار فردي . قد تختلف مواقع النبات ( سواء فوق أو تحت العضلات ) وفقًا
لصحة المريض ونوع الزراعة وحجمها والجسم . يستفيد المرضى الذين يختارون حالة العضلات (الخيار
الأكثر شيوعًا اليوم ) من وجود أنسجة ثدي أكبر تغطي الزراعة . يميل الزرع تحت العضلة إلى إظهار
تموج أقل ويمكن أن يكون له مظهر أكثر طبيعية . عبر العضلة تكون الزراعة أسهل في الضبط وعادةً ما
يكون الإجراء أقل توغلاً . ومع ذلك فإن زراعة العضلات ليس عادةً مظهرًا طبيعيًا ومن المرجح أن
يكون عملية تموج يمكن أن تؤدي إلى توصيل الثديين عملية تموج يمكن أن تؤدي إلى توصيل الثديين .

Organizational Change for Breast Enlargement

By Breasts

Organizing breast augmentation surgery begins in consultation. Since breast augmentation surgery needs a week or so to recover, organizing surgery for the best time is very important. Talk about your work and general lifestyle with the doctor, so the best time for the operation can be determined.

Types of Breast Augmentation: Silicone versus Saline

In the hands of a very fair surgeon can either hide the implant and make it a little normal. The decision between the two types of implants is personal. MemoryGel implants are FDA approved. These implants are patents. This gel has its shape once in the breast and has a natural feel very much like natural breast tissue. The MemoryGel implants have definitely filled the volume, but the doctor can help each patient choose the right size for them. As a saline infusion solution, MemoryGel implants are justified: neither standard nor responsible for life insurance. The saline infusion solution is approved by the FDA. This type of transplant is a type of saline that is likely to resemble saline found naturally in the body. The infusion solution used for plastic surgery is considered to be stronger than gel implants. The saline content is adjustable and allows the physician to fill them in appropriate amounts during surgery. The saline content also includes responsibilities: Regular extended business or life is important.

Access to cuts for breast enlargement

There are several different types of access points for breastfeeding. The surgery depends on the patient’s wishes and the advice of the doctor. These include:

• Periareolar Intersect: cervix
• Surgery: Cutting under the chest
• Transaxillary Cutting: Cutting into armpits

Breast cancer status

The status of breast cancer is an individual decision. Plant sites – either above or below the muscles – may vary according to the health of the patient, the type of implant, the size of the implant and the body. Patients who choose muscle status (the most popular choice today) benefit from having a larger breast tissue that covers the implant. Under the muscle, transplantation tends to show less rippling and can have a more natural look. Across the muscle, transplant is easier to adjust and the procedure is usually less invasive. However, muscle transplantation is usually not a natural appearance and more likely to be a ripple transplant that can deliver the breasts.

Mammoplasty Breast Augmentation

By Breasts

Breast augmentation surgery often referred to as a “boob job”, involves the use of breast implants to create fuller breasts (breast augmentation) or restore weight or pregnancy. Implants can also be used to reconstruct the breast after mastectomy or injury.

What can breast augmentation do?

• Increase the fullness and projection of your breasts
• Improve your chest symmetry
• Improve your balance
• Enhance your self-image and self-confidence

What breast augmentation is not possible
Good, heavily dashed breasts.

Am I a candidate for breast augmentation?

There are several reasons why breast augmentation may be right for you. Some breasts are small or uneven due to their natural development. Others may be smaller because of pregnancy or weight loss. Breast augmentation balances body proportions and improves silhouette.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women do not appear.

If your breasts are not fully developed then you are not a candidate.

Many other diseases can prevent breastfeedings, such as active infection, certain autoimmune diseases, or recent radiation therapy.

Benefits of silicone breast implants
• More natural shapes and feelings

Advantages of saline implants
• Adjustable during operation
• Less expensive
• Smaller incision

Like all plastic surgery, this is a prerequisite for thorough medical examination and realistic expectations. Understanding the success of procedures, routines and risks are essential for a successful outcome. After the consultation, we will continue the preliminary discussion.

The success and safety of surgery depend largely on the full expression of the first consultation. Your doctor will ask you a lot of questions about your health, your desires, and your lifestyle.

Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Enlargement Boob job

By Breasts

Thinking about breast augmentation, but do you have any questions? Most patients have the following common question, so here are the answers.

How long will recovery be?

The recovery time may vary slightly based on the placement of the implant. In muscle implants (subretinal placement) or muscle implants (lower muscle placement), the healing time is usually no more than 7-10 days. Most women just light up within a few days. Heavy lifting and strenuous workouts should be delayed for a longer period, usually six weeks after surgery.

In most cases, doctors’ expertise and skill enable you to heal breast augmentation faster and easier. Learn more about recovery here.

How do I know if I need a molded or round implant?

Formatted and round implants are largely personal preferences that depend on the look they are looking for. Round implants are the most popular. They provide complete completeness in the breast. Teardrop-shaped implants are designed to emphasize the completeness at the bottom of the breast, similar to the natural breast shape.

If you want the most natural appearance (but less dramatic change), the teardrop is the best. However, most patients still choose a round implant. The doctor helps you decide which one best suits your needs and body type.

The best silicone or saline solution?

The choice between silicone and saline is entirely up to you. Silicone and saline implants used at Plastic Surgery in Turkey are manufactured by Mentor, Sientra or Allergan. The raw skin implants (silicone) make up the most natural feeling. Some of their sizes are based on their own preferences and doctor’s recommendations.

Saline implants are saline water, very similar to the natural salt solution of the body. Saline solution implants are more solid and therefore some patients feel the less natural breast tissue. Saline implants have the adjustable volume so the doctor can fill the breast at an optimal level. Both types of implants guarantee plastic surgery in Turkey. The decision is entirely up to you and can be built for personal purposes.

Breast Implant Style, Texture, Profile and Sizing

By Breasts

The breast implant can be either a round or a shaped (teardrop) style. Most women prefer the round implants (the traditional choice) but the newer teardrop style implants may be perfect for people who want to emphasize a specific area in the breast. Breast implant texture is also dependent on the specific patient and situation. Both smooth and textured Siltex implants are available. Smooth implants have less wrinkling but may have also had less traction within the chest than textured implants do, which may make them slightly more likely to change position. Both types of texture are safe, and the doctor can help each patient determine which will work best in their own body. Breast implant profiles vary from moderate to high to ultra-high. The volume of the implants varies from 125cc to 800cc, and Dr. Patterson will help patients to choose the ideal volume for their body type.

Preparing for Breast Augmentation Surgery

The doctor will give patients recommendations for proper preparation during a breast augmentation consultation appointment. Patients who are overweight may need to get down to a healthy weight prior to surgery. Lab tests, primarily blood tests, are required to verify that the patient is healthy enough to have the surgery. Patients should always disclose all medications – even over the counter and herbal supplements – that they are currently taking. Some of these medicines will need to be stopped before surgery. For example, drugs like ibuprofen and certain NSAIDS can cause thinning of the blood, which can be dangerous during surgery. Smokers are encouraged to discontinue smoking prior to surgery.

The Breast Augmentation Procedure

Breast enlargement is performed under general anesthesia. During breast augmentation, the doctor will make incisions to create a pocket to place the implant in. The implant will then be placed and carefully manipulated so that the placement is correct and so that the breasts are symmetrical. The incisions will then be sutured. On average, breast augmentation surgery takes between one and two hours.

Breast Augmentation

By Breasts

Breast enlargement can give all women a new look. Women who have always wanted a bigger bust, or women who want to get their old breasts back after childbearing age can benefit greatly from this type of surgery.

Methods to Increase Breasts

The breast augmentation is intended to significantly increase breastfeeding. This operation does not change the position of the breasts in most cases but adds them to the current position. Breast enlargement can increase symmetrical breasts, but a very precise symmetry is not a realistic expectation. After the breast enlargement process is completed, the patient will have increased volume and much better overall appearance in the breasts.

Methods to Increase Breasts

There are several different ways to apply to breast cancer. The methods each have their own type of surgery and implant method. Techniques used to increase your eyes will depend on a variety of factors, including the patient’s preferences.

Benefits of Boosting Breasts

Most patients choose breast enlargement for aesthetic reasons. Breast cancer can significantly improve the appearance of women and even their appearance. Breast cancer can improve the volume for the woman who has never been happy with her breast size. Women seeking balance can also benefit from breast cancer. Anyone doesn’t who wants a broken look that is becoming so popular today can use the breast transplant to get that look. In some cases, women may lose the amount after breastfeeding, their children and breast enlargement may help restore this amount completely. Any small breast size self-esteem can greatly benefit new mammals.

Breast Augmentation Turkey

By Breasts

The size, shape, and balance of the female breasts can drastically affect their image of themselves. Breasts can symbolize femininity and sexuality so that unequal or small breasts can have a lasting effect on trust and respect, but the surgery for breast enlargement in Turkey offers a solution.

Breast augmentation involves inserting implants behind the breast tissue using a small cut in order to get a more balanced and full breast. Implants have become synonymous with lifestyles of celebrities, but more women turn to breast augmentation as a solution to asymmetry, or subtly increases the size of the cup and get a better picture of themselves. Breasts can be changed for several reasons, including:

• Hormone and weight changes during pregnancy
• Changes in breast volume after breastfeeding
• The drastic or gradual change in weight that affects the breasts
• Aging
• Reduced volume as a result of cancer or other diseases affecting the breasts
These changes can lead to a reduction in self-esteem or difficulty in feeling comfortable in your skin. In addition to increasing the size of the cup, the sucking job in Turkey can provide a surgical solution to these issues using silicone or saline implants in the form of a round or a teardrop.

Saline implants are filled with sterilized saline solution and are more easily adapted and modified to meet previously agreed or altered dimensions during the operation. They can also be filled in throughout the procedure, making them the most flexible choice, offering balanced and accurate results. In addition, if artificially salted salts, the solution is easily dissolved in your body without harmful effects. However, they provide a firmer and less natural feeling and can accumulate over time.

Silicone implants are filled with soft gel and come pre-filled before surgery. They are less likely to accumulate from implants, and because of their cohesive nature, they offer a more natural look and feel while moving and sitting in the same way as human breast tissue. They may require a larger cut due to their tougher structure but are known for long-term results.

Both types of implants can be offered in the form and shape of tears when they decide to breast augmentation in Turkey at one of the clinics. Talking with a consultant can help you determine the correct shape and type that suits your desired outcome and type of your body, ensuring that you are completely satisfied and safe in the results after surgery.

Göğüs Büyütme Ameliyatı

By Uncategorized @tr

Göğüs üzerinde yer alan deri yapısının zamanla elastikiyetini kaybetmesi, çeşitli hastalıklar, doğuma bağlı meme sarkması ve de kanser vb. gibi nedenlerden dolayı göğüs kaybının olduğu durumlarda meme yapısının doğal formlara ulaşmasını sağlamak için estetik operasyonlar yapılmaktadır. Bazı durumlarda ise kişilerin estetik kaygılarını gidermek amacıyla da göğüs büyütme ameliyatı tercih edilebilmektedir.

Çünkü genetik olarak küçük meme yapısı, sarkmış meme görüntüsü kadınların vücut hatlarını bozan olumsuz faktörler arasında yer alır.Bu nedenle gerek sosyolojik anlamda, gerekse de psikolojik anlamda kişilerin kendilerini iyi hissetmelerini sağlamak amacıyla göğüs büyütme yöntemleri uygulanmaktadır.

Peki son zamanlarda gelişen teknolojiyle birlikte daha yoğun uygulama alanı elde eden göğüs büyütme ameliyatı nedir ve nasıl yapılır?

Meme aslına bakıldığında emzirme gibi önemli bir işleve sahip organlar arasında yer alır. Fakat günümüzde estetik ve güzellik algısının değişmiş olması nedeniyle, iri göğüs modası da kendisini göstermeye başlamıştır. Kadınlar çeşitli nedenlerle sarkan meme yapılarını ya da genetik olarak küçük meme yapısını değiştirmek amacıyla göğüs büyütme ameliyatlarından faydalanmaktadır. Genellikle bu operasyon silikon vb. gibi protezler kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmektedir.

Ortalama 2 saat sonunda tüm işlemler tamamlanarak, hastalar normal yaşantılarına geri döndürülür. Göğüs büyütme ameliyatı fiyatı da, kullanılan protez malzeme kalitesi ve yapılacak işlemlere göre değişkenlik göstermektedir. Bu nedenle öncelikle ön muayeneden geçilerek, maliyetin kararlaştırılması şarttır.

Estetik Popo Kaldırma Ameliyatı Nasıl Yapılır?

By Uncategorized @tr

Aşırı derecede kilo alıp vermek, ilerleyen yaş, derinin elastikiyetini kaybetmesi ve sürekli yağ birikimi kalçada sarkmış ve kötü bir görünüm oluşmasına neden olur. Bilindiği gibi vücut hatlarının estetik görünmesinin en önemli sırrı kalkık popo yapısıdır. Eğer kalçanızda gevşeklik, ciltte aşırı derecede sarkma ve de yağ dokunuz varsa, ideal kilonuza yakınsanız ancak son zamanlara dramatik kilo almaya başlamışsanız, kalça üzerindeki fazla deri ve yağ dokusu kişilerde rahatsızlık hissi uyandırıyorsa, zaman zaman hakaret etmekte zorlanıyorsanız estetik popo kaldırma ameliyatı yaptırılması mümkün olacaktır.

Peki estetik popo kaldırma ameliyatı nedir ve nasıl yapılır? Popo dikleştirme ameliyatı ne kadar sürer ve operasyon sonrasında vücutta kalıcı izler oluşuyor mu?

Estetik popo kaldırma ameliyatı estetisyen hekimler tarafından genel anestezi altında yapılmaktadır. Cerrahi girişim için ilk aşamada poponun alt kısmında kesiler açılır. Açılan kesilerin içine girilerek, gerek görüldüğü takdirde popo içerisinde protez ve de yağ dokusu yerleştirilir. Ameliyat bitimine biriken sıvıların dışarı atılması için dren takılır. Ortalama 1 ya da 2 gün içerisinde dren çıkarılarak hastalar normal hayatlarına döndürülür. Tam iyileşme süreci ise 1 aydır. Çok büyük riskleri olan bir operasyon olmasa da, tıpkı her türlü estetik operasyon da olduğu gibi popo dikleştirme ameliyatlarının da deneyimli hekimler tarafından yapılması şarttır.Estetik popo kaldırma ameliyat fiyatı için de yine işlemin gerçekleştirileceği merkezlerden bilgi almak mümkündür.

Estetik Karın Germe Ameliyatı

By Uncategorized @tr

Özellikle de kadınlarda hamilelik sonrasında karın bölgesinde sarkma ve deforme olma gibi problemler meydana gelmektedir. Bu durum göbeğin estetik yapısını bozan faktörlerden biri olarak bilinir. Sarkmış göbek yapısı günlük yaşam içerisinde kullanılan kıyafetlerin hoş durmamasına neden olur. Bu da kişilerin özgüvenlerini yitirerek, kendilerini kötü hissetmelerine neden olan etmenler arasında yer almaktadır.

Peki karın bölgesindeki problemlerden kurtulmak için neler yapılması gerekiyor? Son zamanlarda geliştirilen estetik karın germe ameliyatı nedir ve nasıl yapılır?

Bilindiği gibi kadınların hamilelik döneminden sonra oluşan sarkmış karın yapısı ve çatlak görünümün kendi kendine düzelmesi mümkün değildir. Bu durum aşırı derecede kilo alıp veren insanların da karşılaştığı durumlardan biri olarak bilinir.
Diyet ve spor;karın bölgesindeki sarkıklık ve çatlak görünümü bir yere kadar yok eder. Sorunu tamamen ortadan kaldırmaz. Bu nedenle daha iyi vücut hatlarına sahip olmak için estetik merkezlerinde karın germe ameliyatlarının yapılması gerekmektedir. Karın germe ameliyatlarıyla birlikte, göbek bölgesindeki çatlak derilerinizi yok edebilirsiniz.

Aynı zamanda da fazla yağ dokusunun çıkarılmasıyla birlikte, daha gergin bir görünüme kavuşmanız da kaçınılmaz hale gelecektir. Estetik karın germe ameliyatı fiyatı hakkında daha net bilgiler almak için, yapılacak operasyonların kararlaştırılarak, estetisyen hekimlerden maliyet öğrenilmelidir. Karın germe ameliyatları çok yüksek rakamlı operasyonlar değildir. Fakat, işlemler cerrahi olduğundan, güvenilir yerlerde yapılmasında fayda olacaktır.